OUR TOP courses

About Course
Master the art of creating and formatting documents with Microsoft Word. This comprehensive course covers everything from basic document creation to advanced formatting techniques, enabling you to produce professional-quality documents efficiently.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course, you will:
- Navigate the Microsoft Word interface with confidence.
- Create, format, and edit documents of various types and sizes.
- Use templates and styles to streamline document creation.
- Insert and format text, images, tables, and other elements effectively.
- Apply advanced formatting and layout techniques.
- Collaborate on documents and use track changes and comments.
- Customize Word settings to enhance productivity.
Course Content
Introduction to Word
01:44 -
Layout Walkthrough
06:51 -
Font section
05:29 -
Paragraph section
05:57 -
05:23 -
Working with tables
05:17 -
More table options
03:40 -
Insert menu features
Microsoft Word